Monday, February 14, 2011


Sunday February 13th 2011
Manchester Academy

Back to the Academy again but I didn't drive this time (hoorah!) as my other half joined us on this outing.

I had been wanting to see Feeder for a very long time ... probably longer than most of the audience had been alive ... and I managed to persuade Steve and Aimee to come with me.  We had a nice easy trip and got there in plenty of time to queue outside in the rain.

I had my trusty hoodie on and must have looked most attractive with the hood up because as I got closer to the door, the security chap shouted 'Take the hoods down please guys!'  GUYS??  Charming.  I took the hood down and shook my hair as if I was taking part in a shampoo commercial, but I don't think I convinced anyone I was actually a woman! 

Sadly this time we didn't see anyone with a severe case of Arm Tourettes.  I somehow managed to forget about this on my previous post, but it came back to me as we were out last night.  We were waiting at a red light whilst a couple of people were waiting to cross - one young person in particular whose left arm had a mind of its own.  I do hope he (or she) was listing to Michael Jackson on his MP3 player because his arm continued to dance as he crossed the road and disappeared from sight.  Odd.

We got inside the venue and I headed straight to the ladies loo - this is standard for me as I am usually pretty desperate by the time I arrive at any venue that takes more than 10 minutes to get to (i.e. all of them!)  As well as emptying my bulging bladder I intended to sit under the hand dryer for a while in an attempt to dry off ... sadly they were all taken by ladies having the same idea.  I remained moist for the rest of the evening!

The quote of the night was made by another middle aged lady (not unlike myself) who I passed in the powder room.  I heard her say to her friend 'I liked Feeder before they had wrinkles!'  Me too love, me too!

So Steve went to the bar and Aimee went straight in, straight to the middle front ... great joy.  We all met up and found ourselves standing behind a young couple who were even shorter than us.  That never happens ... ever.  Aimee noticed a very good Matt Cardle lookalike in the crowd just behind us, and said she was sure she'd seen him watching Angels and Airwaves too.  Aimee and Steve stood in front of me so I could see everything between them, although this meant I also got the full force of Steve's flatulence ... which was disgusting!

Anyway ... first up were Pegasus Bridge, 4 lads from Manchester who I have seen on one of those music channels that Aimee likes.  I only really knew their track 'Ribena' which they ended with but I very much enjoyed their set.  I did keep making accidental eye contact with the drummer, which was a bit bizarre ... probably even more so for him, poor fella!

I asked Aimee who was on next and misheard her response as Love Amongst Druids, which I personally think is a much better name.

The band is fronted by Steve Hewitt, former songwriter and drummer for Placebo, which I didn't know until 30 seconds ago!  I actually thought he looked a bit like the best man at my wedding.  He's a local bloke, from just up the road in Northwich, and his drummer looked like Serj Tankian of System of A Down.  The lady bass player's bass was taller than she was.  I didn't really get into their music though I'm afraid.

Finally came Feeder, as gorgeous as ever and still sounding fantastic.  As they emerged a paper aeroplane skimmed the top of my head from somewhere behind and then there was an almighty push during which I got squished and trampled.  Steve began to get a tad tetchy but I told him he should relax and just go with it as there's nothing we could do, and he did.

Aimee and her camera were in a great position as usual and you can see lots of Feeder here>>Aimee's Videography.

I got absolutely battered through the whole of their set ... it had all been quite sedate up to that point.  I don't know who on earth was behind me but they got closer to me than I thought humanly possible.  Steve had his hand firmly attached to the barrier and I had my hands firmly attached to Steve with my elbows pointing outwards purely as a protective measure.

My feet were burning, my ears were ringing ... I have never been so sweaty or bruised in my entire life, and I've given birth twice!

Thankfully Feeder were totally brilliant, everything I expected, so it was mostly worth all my suffering.  Mind you if it hadn't ended when it did I may have suffocated, especially as the yummy (and remarkably unwrinkled) Grant Nicholas jumped down off the stage and walked in front of the barrier, giving Aimee the ideal opportunity to ruffle his hair!  I had been consumed by the crowd at this point and didn't even know he was there ... dammit!

At least now I know that I never ever want to stand in the middle at the front ever again, and I have already packed my earplugs for tomorrow night's Kerrang Tour.  Whilst I am very much looking forward to seeing Good Charlotte, Four Year Strong (and their beards) and Framing Hanley, I would also like to protect what little hearing I have left.  I got home from the Feeder gig 24 hours ago and I can still hear clanging!  That can't be good.

Well that's all for now ... especially as its taken me as much time to write my review as I spent at the actual gig!  I'll be back again very soon assuming I haven't collapsed from exhaustion ... can't be too careful at my age.


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